Kejayaan malam pendekar

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The broadening appeal of silat
Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam (holding keris)
Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam (holding keris) officiating Universiti Sains Malaysia’s 35th Malam Pendekar at Dewan Tuanku Syed Putra. With him are USM vice-chancellor Prof Datuk Omar Osman (right), Silat Cekak Association of Malaysia president Datuk Maideen Kadir Shah (second left) and USM deputy vice-chancellor Prof Adnan Hussein

SILAT, the martial art in the Malay archipelago, has evolved from being a skill deployed by warriors of old to one widely sought after by modern Malaysian society.

The martial art is today considered the defender of Malay customs, norms and values, to protect these from becoming lost through negative influences.

  In the corporate world, universities and other social institutions, people are also picking up silat to strengthen both body and mind.

  National Silat Federation of Malaysia (Pesaka) president, Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam, said silat had been known to be able to shape a person's character, and to instil discipline and virtues like honour and loyalty.

  The art, he said, trained its practitioners to conquer their emotions and to face all trials and challenges in life with wisdom. Having such disposition is vital to a nation's survival and development.

  "With the important roles silat plays in our modern society, it will be timely for us to restudy the art in a larger context and to improve our understanding of its philosophy," he said during the opening ceremony of the 35th Malam Pendekar and Universiti Sains Malaysia's Silat Cekak Association of Malaysia anniversary celebration at the university's Dewan Tuanku Syed Putra recently.

  "We should research silat academically and find ways to make it more relevant to our present needs and situations, and to protect our values from outside influences."

  Mohd Ali, who is also Malacca Chief Minister, said silat should be taught and promoted by the masters more aggressively.

  He added that silat had already branched out to some 50 countries around the world and being practised by many races.

  "Silat is a Malay heritage but today, even foreigners know how to appreciate its beauty and uniqueness," he said.

  Mohd Ali also lauded USM for being the only higher learning institution to award students with six credits for taking up silat.

  He hoped that other universities would follow suit as well.

  During the Malam Pendekar opening night, young silat warriors took to the stage and displayed their skills to a large crowd, including their peers and family members.

There were also performances by USM's Kung Fu Club as well as members of the Silambam Association of Malaysia.

Sumber: The broadening appeal of silat - Central - New Straits Times 

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