Pharmacy : course paling susah?

Semenjak dua menjak ni, aku agak terpana dan terkesima apabila membaca satu quote yang disebarkan oleh kawan sejurusan (ijazah sarjana muda sains farmasi) yang mengatakan bahawa kursus yang sedang aku ambik ni (farmasi) adalah antara kursus yang paling susah mengikut Guinness book of records.

Pharmacy has been chosen as the TOUGHESTcourse among all d courses including B COM,CA,IAS,IPS n MBBS; by d Guinness Book of World Records, on 18Aug2011. It has 58 university exams+ 130 series exams + 174 assignments within 4years (max 750 workings days) All Pharmacy students please circulate this among your fellow Pharmacist & be proud to be a Pharmacist. :) Finally someone realized our pain & effort!

Well, student mana yang tak bangga bila course dia dinobatkan dalam rekod dunia. Kan?  tapi, sahihkah kenyataan ni? apa yang aku dapat bila aku search pasai benda ni adalah :

The Guinness Book of World Records does not rank toughness of courses.

Recently Facebook users have been posting statuses bragging that their field of study in college was ranked the toughest by the Guinness Book of World Records.

The status usually looks like this: 
"Engineering" has been chosen as the 'toughest' course among all the courses including BCOM, BCA, IAS, IPS and MBBS; by the Guinness Book of World Records, on 18 Aug 2010. It has 58 university exams + 130 series exams + 174 assignments within 4 years (max. 750 working days). All engineers post this on your wall for at least 2 hours & be proud to be an engineer!...

Problem is, Guinness does not keep such records about the "toughness" of college courses/fields of study.

That said, here are some courses Facebook users have claimed are the toughest, based on number of exams, assignments and years to complete.

  • Bachelors of Science in Nursing
  • Bachelor of Science in Architecture
  • Bachelor of Science in Engineering 

One "course" the Guinness Book does rank, is the longest golf course in the world: the par-72, 8,548 yard Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Golf Club in Lijiang, China.


Ceh, baru je nak bangga jap.

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  1. @Green Apple
    smoga berjaya untuk ko ko jugak.. (n_n)

  2. @eqacashperlalahahaha... tu la pasal.. aku pon agak kechiwa jugak....

  3. cer try blaja pasal ubat binatang plak. cer cer..

  4. zuraini, dah blaja dah la... sem lepas dah amik subjek vet pharmacy... hehehe
